Make a donation to Trafford Carers Centre
We use your donations to support our Carers by offering great activities, long term projects and special events. We want to be able to provide a wide range of leisure and fun things to do throughout the year whilst being able to have contact with other Carers. For those Carers who can’t leave their loved ones, we offer lots of online activities for them to take part in and the resources to be able to access them.
Your donations support the very real cost of delivering these activities throughout the year, all of which, have to be fundraised for them to happen.
You can make a one off or regular donation using the options below. Donations are processed via PayPal.
- £10
- £20
- £30

A £10 donation gave us the chance to ...
prepare an afternoon tea delivered to the door for a Carer called Jane, who couldn’t leave her house due to the danger COVID-19 posed to Derek, her loved one she cared for.
Jane said “I enjoyed the afternoon Tea whilst taking in part in an online games session hosted by the staff at TCC, it made me feel part of the world again! The games and the great food put a smile on my face, I felt spoiled and reminded me that someone was thinking about me”.
We provided Afternoon Tea to 100 Carers, to their homes across Trafford, most in need of a lovely surprise to have some fun to lift their spirits.
We don’t waste your money and we will make sure that it goes a long way to make Carers lives better in Trafford.
All donations are processed securely with PayPal. You'll need a PayPal account for recurring donations.

A £20 donation allowed us to...
provide art materials for our groups like Carer’s Art Group.
Cath said “I really enjoy going to the art group, it’s my time and I enjoy painting. I’ve really improved and I give the paintings as presents to family and friends”.
The donations we receive goes to make sure that groups and activities like the art sessions are well stocked with materials like paints, brushes and canvasses, with equipment like table easels, art books and that the refreshments and snacks are always flowing.
We don’t waste your money and we will make sure that it goes a long way to make Carers lives better in Trafford.
All donations are processed securely with PayPal. You'll need a PayPal account for recurring donations.

A £30 donation supported...
our online support sessions for Young Carers providing prizes for an online Bingo session. During the COVID- 19 lockdown, we offered lots of different online sessions for Young Carers to take part in with bingo proving to be very popular. We still run the online group every Monday and Wednesday. The donations we receive goes to make sure the Bingo sessions are well stocked with prizes to be won and towards the cost of postage out to Young Carers homes.
Dom said “I enjoy the Bingo sessions, it’s a real laugh. I never tried Bingo before but I gave it a go making some new friends and I have shared some chocolate I won with my family”.
We don’t waste your money and we will make sure that it goes a long way to make Carers lives better in Trafford.
All donations are processed securely with PayPal. You'll need a PayPal account for recurring donations.
Carers Easter Challenge Donations
Help raise £500 for Trafford CarersThe Carers Easter Challenge
For the month of March we are challenging everyone to get their trainers on and get active to raise money for Trafford Carers. From laps around your garden to a 5k, anyone can get involved.
Our goal is to raise £500 for Trafford Carers Centre, whilst improving carers health and fitness. These donations will go towards the help and support for unpaid carers.
Other ways to support us
There are a few other ways that you can donate:
Online, via JustGiving
Visit to make a donation and if you are holding or taking part in an event you can create your own fundraising page here too.
If you prefer to send your donation by post you can send a cheque to Trafford Carers Centre, 9 Springfield Road , Sale, M33 7XS. Cheques should be made payable to Trafford Carers Centre.
If you have cash then please call the office on 0161 848 2400 to arrange to have this banked.