Allotment project is blooming great for mental health
Posted: 24.6.22

A group of our adult carers have created their own video using their new media skills to explain how using our allotment helps them to unwind from their caring role and socialise.
The special ‘Lightening Bee Reporters’ project has been helping carers to express themselves through different forms of media such as writing and video making.
Their allotment project, facilitated through our charity, is just one of many ways that we support local unpaid carers, promoting productivity, friendship and learning.
Reporters Chris and Eileen interviewed other green-fingered members to get their take on the project.
Eileen, reporter and member, said: “We’re not here to grow the greatest cabbage or the straightest carrot… it’s more of a social get-together.
“We always finish with a tea break and unwind, talk about our problems, our caring roles, any issues or even just the latest football scores. We always end on a very happy note.”
Watch their video below.
Tagged with: #LighteningBees