Generations Unite: Young and adult carers hold group interview
Posted: 23.6.22

Two adult carers and two young carers have come together to hold a special group interview, meeting for the first time on our Lightning Bee Reporter project, which is encouraging members to express themselves through video making, writing, photography and much more.
The group held a special chat in front of the camera to learn more about one another’s caring role and interests.
During the interview, young carer Maria shares how the charity has helped her. She said: “Through lockdown it was quite hard caring and Trafford Carers has really helped get me out of the house, and do things like Zoom bingo where you can win prizes like chocolate! It’s really helped me socialise.”
Adult carer Chris mentions the allotment project and his interest in getting some younger people involved. He said: “We could give you your own plot to grow what you like.”
Eileen adds: “We would like to encourage young carers, especially in the summertime!”
This special video is a great example of how generations can unite together, find common ground and help each other out through their caring role.
Take a look at their chat together below.
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