Keeping Well with Nurse Rebecca after a holiday
Posted: 23.5.23

Hi everyone!
I hope you all have a lovely Easter, a time of celebration, a time to enjoy a long weekend and so often a time associated with eating a lot of chocolate! But keeping well also needs to be a priority. Aiming to increase your activity levels can help. Adults should do some type of physical activity every day. Exercise just once or twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. Regular exercise has been proven to:
- Reduce stress
- Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
- Boost self-esteem
- Improve sleep
Exercise also has these added health benefits:
- Strengthens your heart, and increases energy levels
- Lowers blood pressure, and helps reduce body fat
- Improves muscle tone and strength
- Strengthens and builds bones
From Rebecca
It's Good To Talk
Being a carer can impact on your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Here at Trafford Carers Centre we offer a comprehensive Carers Health Check through our resident Carers Nurse, Rebecca. During your health check discussing your mental wellbeing is encouraged, Rebecca will help to identify any areas of concern and together discover what works for you. To access a health check with Rebecca we ask that you first talk with one of our caseworkers to ensure all your support needs are being met as much as possible.
Following this conversation your caseworker can make an appointment with Rebecca. To talk to one of our caseworkers call 0161 848 2400.
To learn more about Nurse Rebecca's role within Trafford Carers Centre, visit the Health and Wellbeing page.
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