Helping Carers with their Money

- Welfare and Benefits Advice
- Supporting Carers Into employment
- Tips for saving money- CarerSmart and the ODE card
- Tips for saving money- Equiptment
- Tips for saving money- Council Tax
- Tips for saving money- Going Out
- Tips for saving money - Cheaper broadband and phone packages for people on means tested benefits
Welfare and Benefits Advise
Bills and benefits can be hard to manage, let alone understanding what your entitled to, when you're caring for someone. At Trafford Carers Centre, we think it's important that you are fully informed and get the most out of what you're entitled to. Our Benefits Advisor will be able to advise all registered carers on what benefits they are entitled to and how to apply for them.
Supporting Carers Into Employment
A working carer is someone who has caring responsibilities, but is also in paid employment. Evidence suggests that the numbers of working carers are continuing to increase, with 1 in 7 carers a working carer (Carers UK). If you're looking to go into employment, or need help with your current employment status, then we can help.
Tips for Saving Money
Some unbelievable discounts for carers, high street offers, gym memberships, insurance, business help and so much more. You will have to sign up for a membership which is free and easy to use.
ODE Card
This works the same as any other debit card. You load money onto it first then shop online or in store and receive cashback. Shops signed up to the scheme include Asda 2.5%, Argos 5%, Sainsbury’s 3%, Primark 4.5% New Look 7%, Wilko 4% and M&S 3%.
Apply for equipment and support from your council – for example, get a grant for a stairlift. If you need to adapt your home due to your disability, it's worth applying to your council to see what equipment and support it can offer you. What's on offer varies by council, but it can be a real help.
In England, Wales or Northern Ireland, this usually comes in the form of a disabled facilities grant, worth up to £36,000.
Before you're offered a grant, an occupational therapist will likely meet with you to discuss your needs.
You can also ask us to put out an advert for specific equipment on our social media and newsletter. You never know what people have stored in their cupboards and garages!
Avoid paying VAT on wheelchairs, emergency alarms & more If you're disabled or have a long-term illness, the Government says you shouldn't be charged VAT on items which have been designed or adapted for your personal use – for example, wheelchairs or equipment to help you get around your house.
You'll need to confirm to the supplier or retailer that you're eligible for VAT relief, which may mean filling in a form or simply ticking a box at the online checkout. The method may vary by supplier – Blue Badge Co
Council tax
Council Tax Discount for people with Physical and Mental Disabilities You may be able to get money off your council tax bill if you qualify for the 'disabled band reduction scheme'. It's designed to stop disabled people paying higher council tax simply because they've had to live in a larger house than they would've done otherwise.
Check your council's website to see if you qualify to be moved into a lower council tax band.
People classed as 'severely mentally impaired' (SMI) are entitled to a council tax discount and could be missing out on about £400 a year. This means if you live alone you're exempt from paying council tax, and if you live with just one other adult, you're 'disregarded' so they get a 25% discount.
Save on Going Out
£15 Access Card An issue many disabled people face is having to 'prove' they need special assistance or reasonable adjustments made, for example, at music venues or when dealing with service providers. One solution to this is to get an Access Card, which costs £15 for three years.
To apply, please fill in the form to prove you’re eligible. Excellent for music gigs, the cinema and other venues.
Free Cinema Tickets for Friends/Carers The CEA card, developed by the UK Cinema Association, gets you a free ticket for someone to accompany you when you visit the cinema and pay full price yourself. It is £6, which lasts a year.
FilpOut Manchester offers ASD and disability sessions where they turn down the music and turn off the disco lights. Sunday sessions are exclusively ASD and disability. Tuesday sessions are open to the general public as well. £7.50 per ticket.