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Making a Telephone Friendship

Being a carer can get lonely at times and loneliness can affect us all. Sometimes loneliness doesn’t mean that we don’t have anyone around, it could also be that we are surrounded by people but still feel alone.

Because we feel lonely, due to our responsibilities or for other reasons we stop doing the things we used to love.

Our befriending service is where someone will chat and listen to you. Think of it as a way of getting back into the things you used to love and develop new friendships. Maybe even try something new!

The call is usually once a week, remotely, usually via telephone or zoom, but the service is flexible and it’s whatever you both prefer.

Speaking to someone else and getting to know other people does wonders for people’s confidence, mental health and connects people to the outside world.

If you would like to feel more engaged in the community, improve your mental health and feel more self-assured then ask for a befriender.

You can fill in the form below to apply for a friend!

“I hadn’t realised the befrienders benefitted just as much as carers. Many explained that being in touch with someone they never knew before, or probably would never have met, made their lives better. It just goes to show that whatever our personal situation, we all have something to offer other people. Both people talking, passing the time of day, engaged in the simplest of activities, helps to make sure they feel a part of the world.”- Simon Locke, Deputy Chief Executive Officer