Health Checks with Our Residential Trafford Carers Nurse

Hello Everyone...
Hello, my name is Bridget, I became the Carer’s Nurse, for Trafford Carers, in March 2024. I have learnt so much about the important role of unpaid carers in this time and I strive to make a difference to their lives and their health. It is such a pleasure to meet you and spend time concentrating on your health and wellbeing and, hopefully, making a difference.
I have been a Nurse since September 1980 working in many different settings and specialties, including paediatric and school nursing, general surgery, spinal injuries, sexual & reproductive health, respiratory (asthma & COPD), health screening and, most recently, Parkinson’s (14 years).
I thoroughly enjoy carrying out the Health Checks and joining in some of the activities we can offer to carers. I endeavor to provide a holistic check with time for you to talk, in a relaxed environment. I can refer you for free activities, provide reliable health education, organize counselling and correspond with your GP and other Health Care Professionals.
I aim to promote the health and wellbeing of registered carers. I work directly with carers and will develop individual strategies for each carer with an aim to reduce the strain of coping with their caring role.
The health check consists of physical observations such as blood pressure checks, cholesterol, blood sugars, BMI to discussing how your caring role is impacting on your emotional health and wellbeing. I can direct carers to other organisations or services that can offer appropriate help as well as communicate with gp’s on the carers’ behalf, if needed.
Thanks, Carers Nurse.
If you would like a health check, please call 0161 848 2400 and press option 1.
We aim to be flexible and offer a health check appointment at a time that suits. Occasionally there may be a few weeks wait depending on demand. We an provide health checks around Trafford including Sale, Partington, occasionally Timperley New Haven and home visits if necessary.
"The nurse, was so friendly and approachable when I met her for the first time. I had spoken previously to her over the phone and found her very pleasant and helpful then, but to meet her in person was lovely. Her genuine interest and concern for my welfare came across during my health check and Rebecca was very understanding when recognising the pressure and struggles I have experienced over the years of caring for my elderly parents."- Carer
"The health check highlighted areas of my wellbeing that have been compromised but need to be kept in check so that my caring role doesn't jeopardise my own physical and mental health in any way. Having Trafford Carers Team there for me and seeming to know when I have needed help and support has certainly helped me through some difficult times. I am extremely grateful for that."- Carer