Project Coordinator: Supporting Carers In Hospitals

"At Trafford Carers Centre, we aim to ease Carers Hospital experience by offering relevant information, signposting you to the correct services, providing emotional support, representing carers in hospital meetings and much more."
Hello everyone...
My name is Faith and my role at Trafford Carers is, Project Coordinator: Supporting Carers in Hospitals. This means I am the support worker for carers when the person they care for is in hospital. With a specific focus on discharge, I am here to offer a helping hand to carers navigating the challenges hospital admission or re-admission can bring to a caring role. I understand that for a carer, the hospital setting can be overwhelming and confusing, with medical jargon, assessments and a possible change in care needs. There is a lot to stay on top of and prepare for!
However, I am here to help lessen the stress carers can feel during the process of transitioning the person they care for out of hospital. By providing information, advice and emotional support, advocating for carers in hospital meetings and signposting to relevant services and the support we offer at the Carers Centre, I can be a resource for any carer in the hospital environment. I will be working alongside carers, building my role to fit the needs of carers in hospitals.
I've never seen a carer's organisation in a hospital before and it was great to see. From speaking to Faith, I now understand the importance of involving carers in the discharge process. - Trafford General Nurse
Take some time to complete my survey
The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the experiences of you, the carer, when the person you care for is staying in hospital and being discharged from hospital.
The results gathered from this survey will be used to further understand the experience of hospital discharge for a carer. The information collected will be used to make improvements and additions to the support we offer to carers in hospitals. The survey will take 2 minutes to complete.
I work full time and I am available to be contacted Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm. I am based at Trafford General Hospital on Wednesdays and Thursdays. My office location at Trafford General is: Surgery 5, EMU department, Red Zone of the hospital. It can be accessed through entrance 9 by Outpatients and Urgent Care. I am also at Wythenshawe on 2nd Friday of the month.
If you require my support or have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch:
Mobile: 0742 507 5905