Young Adult Dedicated Support
We understand that some people need more focused, dedicated support than others. Here, you will find how we can help carers from diverse communities, LGBTQ+ carers, disabled carers and carers who needs assistance with technology, with their individual caregiving needs.
Diverse Community Support
We have the strong belief that EVERYONE - regardless of race, disability, religion, sickness, age, beliefs, sex or vulnerability - should be able to receive support. However, sometimes it is hard for minority communities to receive this support, due to structural and non-structural barriers. Trafford Carers is driven to remove these barriers and is skilled to identify, engage and provide the tailored support which these communities need.

LGBTQ+ Support
For the LGBTQ+ carers, there may be additional challenges during the caring journey. At Trafford Carers, we have the support in place to make sure you're fully supported within your caring role.
Digital Support
Get going online with our Tablet Loan Scheme, use it for school work, in your spare time and out and about.
University and College Support
We can offer a helping hand when you start further education, as we understand it is difficult to be in a completely new setting and be caring for someone at the same time. Have a look and see what support is on offer.
Developing Our Services for Young Adult Carers
We want to start focusing more on Young Adult Carers and develop some more services with those carers in mind. What would you like to see at our service?